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dental care pregnant woman

Should I see my dentist when I'm pregnant?  


YES. Pregnancy brings about physiological changes that can affect your oral health. Indeed, the significant hormonal and behavioral changes during this period upset the functioning of the body and in particular at the dental level.

I have been bleeding gums since I got pregnant


Pregnancy gingivitis usually appears between the 2 nd  and 8th  month of pregnancy and concerns 2/3 of pregnant women. The level of progesterone increases, causing increased blood flow to the gum tissue. The gum tissue therefore becomes sensitive, swollen and bleeds when brushing. This is what we call pregnancy gingivitis. It is therefore important to come and consult us because this untreated gingivitis can progress to more serious periodontal problems.


Am I more susceptible to cavities?  

During pregnancy, it is common to observe an increase in food intake and snacking, without increasing  necessary hygiene. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is also more common, causing saliva to acidify. In this case, there is a proliferation of bacteria leading to attacks on the enamel and therefore caries. Be careful to maintain oral hygiene during pregnancy, and even more so if lifestyle habits have changed.  

My teeth are more sensitive since I got pregnant  

The nausea often seen during the 1st trimester of pregnancy exposes the teeth to acid attack and   deteriorate tooth enamel. What  train  hypersensitivity  dental. Our advice is to  rinse your mouth after each nauseous episode and wait a few minutes before brushing your teeth  in order to avoid chemical and mechanical abrasion of your teeth.  




In pregnant women, dental care is more favorable between the 3rd and 6th month of pregnancy, so come regularly for a check-up to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Do not hesitate to give our email address to your gynecologist, obstetrician or midwife  for optimal support on both sides:

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