A removable prosthesis replaces missing teeth. A removable prosthesis, by definition, can be inserted and removed at will.

Prothèses amovibles partielles en résine

Prothèses amovibles complètes

Prothèse amovible complète stabilisée sur 2 implants

Prothèses amovibles partielles en résine
Removable partial dentures
When only a few teeth are missing, we may have to make you a partial removable prosthesis. In this case, there may be brackets placed on your natural teeth to best optimize the stability and retention of the prosthesis. They are less expensive but also less comfortable than a prosthetic solution fixed to an implant for example. So today we use them more readily as “transitional” or “temporary” prostheses, while waiting to make something better and more comfortable.
Removable skeletal prostheses
The skeletal (or stellite) is a partial removable prosthesis with a metal frame. It is less bulky in the mouth and more robust than an all-resin removable prosthesis.
In this category, we can find the hybrid prosthesis, which is a good compromise if a fixed solution is not completely possible. It consists of “clipping” a skeleton onto crowns . It is the same principle as a crown except that its internal part will be equipped with a slide which will allow the skeletal framework to insert with sufficient friction to guarantee good retention. You can remove the skeleton but not the crowns. Some systems are similar to a snap button like you might find on a shirt.
Complete removable prostheses
A complete removable denture is a solution when there are no teeth left in the mouth. These prostheses require more or less adaptation time depending on the patient and the shape of the mouth. It is generally easier to obtain a stable upper jaw prosthesis thanks to the “suction cup” effect of the palate. At the level of the lower jaw, the results are less satisfactory and less predictable, particularly because of the tongue which can move the prosthesis. It is strongly recommended in this situation to place at least two implants in order to stabilize the whole.

The removable prosthesis is a delicate discipline which requires several appointments with the dentist for its design and very often other appointments to make adjustments. They are reimbursed from the age of 50 and are renewable. every 7 years.